OK - you have sold me, and I will be beating a path to the nearest RC, to find out what the fuss is about.
Oh man, I can't wait!
heard a lot buzz for our upcoming convention.
those that already been were saying how great it was and all the videos that were presented.. well, thus far not impressed!
in fact many times pure insanity!
OK - you have sold me, and I will be beating a path to the nearest RC, to find out what the fuss is about.
Oh man, I can't wait!
heard a lot buzz for our upcoming convention.
those that already been were saying how great it was and all the videos that were presented.. well, thus far not impressed!
in fact many times pure insanity!
Those that already been were saying how great it was
But always! I cannot recall ever hearing anything else to describe each and every convention / assembly that ever was.
William Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing seems a more appropriate description to me!
its not easy being an introvert in an extrovert worldespecially when youre a kid.
it is even more difficult if none of the adults in the kids life recognize that the child is an introvert.
this doesnt happen only when the childs parents are extroverts, but also with introverted parents who have never understood their own introverted nature.. .
Now I know why I found it exceedingly difficult being (or trying to be!) a JW.
In particular, I used to dread the assemblies / conventions, and could never understand the party line about those things being "upbuilding", mind-altering experiences.
are jws trying to make dysfunctional kids that wont "fit" in normal society so they will "return to jehovah"?
because there have been many stories about young people who have been out in the world only to find how bad it was and how correct the org was.. a good jw kid with "good" jw parents will have many big issues, some examples:.
fear of demons (fear, misfit).
The WTS/GB hates that term " normal life":
- declaring that " these are not normal times", and suggesting strongly that, as a consequence, a normal life is impossible.
So if JW children are being reared in a manner that makes it hard for them to fit into a a normal life when they reach adulthood, few JWs would be concerned.
The canned response is that line about " these not being normal times". (Never mind the fact that these "not normal times" have been going on for a bloody long time!)
breaking news from co!!
according to a reliable source, the co in my area says that jws may have been hearing the phrase, "final push" being used.
what sage advice did this shepherd, duke, and "star" of revelation have to say?
We are in the last part of the last days, so very close to the last DAY.."
What, again!
How many times have we been told that one, and over however many different decades?
Early in 1991, a public speaker informed us that "Armegeddon is not any more just around the corner, rather, we are now looking down the final straight to the finish line."
Bloody long home straight, that one!
PS: Anybody who thinks there is a connection between Joshua's 40 years and 1975's 40 years is the one who is (badly) deluded!
i was listening to my brother in law talk about his job this week.
he had a stable job for a long time.
it was not without problems but it was there.
All they can talk about has to do with sex, drinking and shady business.
So much for the WTS-inspired idea that a university / college environment is "bad" as it exposes young people to "bad associations" etc. As the OP's account demonstrates, the workplace is just at least as capable of doing the very same.
It matters very little whether it is amongst skilled or unskilled workers, either. I worked for almost five years in such occupations as truckdriver, farmhand and construction labourer, before finally waking up to myself. Truck drivers in particular are renown for their overuse of a certain expletive - i.e. the one that rhymes with the same motor vehicle that they drive!
Yet it was very little different when I (belatedly) began an apprenticeship, and also during the following decades that I worked in the electrical trade. Casual conversation amongst fitters, mechanics, electricians, plumbers, boilermakers or whatever differs not at all from those subjects highlighted above in yellow. (Anybody that doesn't believe that ought to be a fly on the wall in the Maintenance Department's canteen, during a meal break at any large Industrial Plant!)
Despite this, the WTS /GB seemingly have no problem with their young people entering a trade course. However, just mention university and the old "bad associations" line will be trotted out in no time.
Just another one of their red herrings:
- as others on this thread have pointed out, the WTS have other, ulterior and rather sinister motives for stopping a person from getting an education.
and remember your boosters as adults!.
currently there is a measles outbreak in the u.s. the outbreak is clustered into communities where parents choose not to get their children vaccinated.
vaccination works primarily on herd immunity.
I am old enough to remember the polio epidemics of the 1950s:
- each one resulting in a number of deaths, and leaving many, many more children and young persons cruelly crippled.
I particularly remember the last such epidemic, which occured during the summer of 1961. That one was stopped dead in its tracks by means of a mass-immunisation program, using the newly developed Sabin vaccine. Furthermore , in this country, the last death from polio just happened to have occurred in that very same year,1961. Co-incidence? I don't think so!
That isn't all, either - the list could go on and on. For example:
(i) Typhoid. In the South African War (1899 - 1902) this disease killed more soldiers than died in the fighting. By the time WWI broke out, a vaccine had been developed, and was in widespread use by the British army. During that war, typhoid deaths were negligible, despite the very same insanitary conditions prevailing on the battlefields.
(ii) Tetanus. During WWII, all service personnel in the armies of Britain and its Commonwealth were immunised for tetanus, whereas those of Germany were not. That fact was reflected in the contrasting death rates due to tetanus between the two armies.
(iii) Smallpox. This disease had been completely eradicated by the late 1970s - thanks entirely to the smallpox vaccine.
How could a person possibly knock the benefits of vaccination? It is beyond me!
The one I encountered last Saturday was positioned at the side of a footpath in a city park. There was literally nobody in site, other than the shadowy form behind the heavily-tinted glasswork of an SUV in an adjacent carpark.
If that individual was the same one who placed the stand where it was, then he/she positioned themselves where they could not possibly engage passers by in conversation.
I was tempted to grab the bloody thing and throw it into a nearby drainage ditch!
sometimes i get a strong curiosity to start dabbling into other religions, other faiths, you know?
really different ones such as islam, judaism, hinduism, etc.. has anyone here looked into something else?
has your spirituality been satisfied by any other than christianity?.
Has anyone here looked into something else?
Definitely not!
By the time I managed to extricate myself from the JWs, I had already had enough of religion (in any of its forms) to last a life time.
(Or, to use the vernacular of the region in which I grew up in, I had had a complete "gutsful" of the bloody thing!).
greetings, folks: so, it's been 40 years since 1975. and, if you were actively involved with the witnesses back then, the mindset of many was, that by early autumn of 1975, it would mark the anniversary of 6000 years of human existence.
and, the hope was then, that it would mark the start of the 1000-year of christ, from the heavenly realm.
but, looking back now, 40 years ago, in june of 1975, only 3 more months remained until early autumn.
I don't think we were mad we had accepted the tribulation started in 1914 and had been cut short already I think when 1975 was introduced just waiting for the final part Armageddon
And then swallowed Mad Freddie's escape clause - hook, line and bloody sinker - even though it ignored what ought to have been a very obvious fact!